Whitelist & Blacklist Feature
Many of you appreciate that in LazyMerch you can automatically search your listings for trademarks and get shown by some kind of traffic light system in the user interface if TMs a
Many of you appreciate that in LazyMerch you can automatically search your listings for trademarks and get shown by some kind of traffic light system in the user interface if TMs a
LazyMerch kann ab jetzt gratis genutzt werden. Ideal zum Einstieg in das POD Business können mit unseren Gratisaccounts nun bis zu 50 Uploads je Plattform und pro Monat getätigt
LazyMerch can now be used for free. Ideal to get started in the POD business, our free accounts allow up to 50 uploads per platform and per month.The tool shows you the current sta
In den letzten zwei Monaten ist einiges passiert. Zwischen Umzug, neuen Features und Fixes für Probleme von so manchem User ist es etwas ruhig um die Ankündigungen geworden. Dadu
A lot has happened in the last two months. Between relocation, new features and fixes for problems of some users it has become a bit quiet around the announcements. So in the inter