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Our Facebook Groups

Our Facebook Groups

Dear LazyCrew, as part of our improvement of the automation tool, we decided that we need more ways to interact with you and respond to your interests. Aside from being much more likely to engage in discussions with you about general print on demand and Kindle Direct Publishing business, we also have the ability to […]

Rumors about Society6 and the black background

Rumors about Society6 and the black background

During the past weeks there have been many discussions, especially in the German-speaking Print On Demand community, about whether or not there are black backgrounds for Society6. Back when the guys from Talk On Demand made a video about the possibility of a black background for Society6, we immediately started to integrate this into our […]

Tote Bags & Throw Pillows

Tote Bags & Throw Pillows

Merch By Amazon continues its rapid pace of announcements in the second half of 2020 and is again unlocking interesting new products to us. We’re excited to announce the beta launch of print on demand tote bags and throw pillows! During this beta, we look forward to feedback on the new products and may continue […]

How To Create Designs for Your Merch Business

How To Create Designs for Your Merch Business

Are you planning to start a merch business but don’t know how to make designs for prints? Or let’s say that you have a passion for making artworks for shirts. But will these prints sell in the market? Well, it’s one of the problems of the newbie merchants like you in the industry.

7 Smart Merchandise Tips to Increase Your Sales

7 Smart Merchandise Tips to Increase Your Sales

Increasing your sales in a merchandising business is a challenge. It is never an easy task when it comes to sales increase. Many marketers struggle in keeping up, especially when they are not prioritizing with the latest sales demand in the market. You have to make constant steps by knowing the basic strategies in growing your sales.

Current Changes & Patch Notes

Current Changes & Patch Notes

Direct adding of listings in the tool. You don’t have to import data using Excel spreadsheets anymore, but can still do this optionally. The listings contain a wrong word or you want to change something? No problem! You can now edit everything in the tool. Improved Trademark Checks with appropriate warnings in the workspace. Furthermore, […]

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) automatisieren

Mit LazyMerch kann der KDP Upload automatisiert werden Das Hochladen bei diversen Print on Demand Anbietern ist für viele Nutzer im POD-Business eine langwierige und nervenraubende Angelegenheit. In diesem Fall gehen wir konkret auf das Hochladen bei Amazons Kindle Direct Publishing Service, auch häufig nur KDP genannt, ein. Wenn du bereits Erfahrungen mit dem

Print on Demand (POD) Automatisieren

Sobald man ein wenig zeit im T-Shirt Business oder auch Print On Demand Business verbracht hat wird man sich die frage stellen wie man den Ablauf optimieren kann bzw. wie sich gewisse Abläufe automatisieren lassen. In diesem Beitrag möchten wir darauf eingehen wie du schritt für Schritt zu diesem Ziel gelangst.   Effektiver Arbeiten mit automatischem [&helli