MBA Changes & New Upload Area
If you’re one of the lucky ones already using the new Merch by Amazon upload interface, the last few weeks you haven’t had the flexibility you had before with the LazyM
If you’re one of the lucky ones already using the new Merch by Amazon upload interface, the last few weeks you haven’t had the flexibility you had before with the LazyM
Due to a small bug in the custom args for MBA, we unfortunately have to update our export files for MBA. If you have old exported CSV files from MBA and want to import them back in
Our new Update V5 is here! As in previous years, we have now spent several months preparing a new version of our Upload Automation tool. It is the fifth version of the tool, which
Black Friday Deals Full Package annualy 399 € Limited Package 200 annualy 199 € Get Your Discount Why you should buy now LazyCloud Soon we will release our LazyCloud. This is m
Dear Lazy Community,as probably many of you have noticed, we have been very cautious with announcements lately. One of the reasons for this is that we have been working on many big
Hello Dear LazyCrew! Another month is over and we welcomed some new members through our Free Accounts. We are glad that you are with us and improve our tool with your feedbacks and
Many of you appreciate that in LazyMerch you can automatically search your listings for trademarks and get shown by some kind of traffic light system in the user interface if TMs a
LazyMerch can now be used for free. Ideal to get started in the POD business, our free accounts allow up to 50 uploads per platform and per month.The tool shows you the current sta
A lot has happened in the last two months. Between relocation, new features and fixes for problems of some users it has become a bit quiet around the announcements. So in the inter
We have been busy the last few days to make it possible for you to upload your designs to Zazzle Templates. This is easier than the normal upload because you can add your design to